Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
HTML-based asset library and background on the WorldWideWeb NeXT browser
The first browser
Perhaps, funny
burn is an extremely simple diary program. You can only add new entries, or list all of them. No edits, no deletions, the history can’t be changed, and the time only moves forward. Make the best use of it.
Epoch, batch size, итерации - параметры для работы с большими объемами данных, когда нет возможности загрузить весь датасет в обработку.
Когда делал работу по мышиному обучению, эта статья чуток помогла после прочтения по диагонали.
From a discussion of how the newest version of the first wiki sucks. The version does suck, by the way.
I am blind. I do rely on accessibility to interact with a computer. Yes, you could accuse me of deliberately avoiding the modern web, but I have my reasons. Primary reason is performance. Even though I feel like you are talking down to me from a pretty high horse, I still don't wish for you to ever experience how sluggish it feels trying to use the "modern web" with a screen reader on something like Windows. Don't even make me start about the hellhole that is Linux GUI accessibility. It was a nice ride once, before GNOME 3 and the elimination of CORBA killed most of the good work done by good people. Fact is, I am too used to a system which reacts promptly when I press a key to be able to switch to a modern browser by default. That would kill all my productivity. Yes, its a trade, but for now, having no JS engine by default is still way better then the alternatives.
Have a nice day, and enjoy your eye-sight.
A proper mirror of WikiWikiWeb.
Про миура-ори и соседнее
Something about configuring your puter with JavaScript.
A thread in the uxn's mailing list. Felix asks about uxn's stability, Devine says it will be stable soon enough, and this:
Don't think of a Varvara as a platform just yet, at best, it's something that can inspire others to explore their own ideas of how a VM can be used to preserve their own projects. There is very little experimentation done in this space and it's sort of in the research phase right now.
Links like this can discourage you from learning uxn. They do not discourage me, though. The Summer streams of 2022 are a proof.
A port of uxn to GB and GBC. Wonderful!
Notes on Uxn.
A classic rant on uxn and programming. Uxn is done for.
Uxn says it's about permacomputing and vintage computing, the author of the article says it's not and proves it.
The author insists on a relation to permacomputing. Their page on permacomputing describes frugal computing and salvage computing as principles of permacomputing, defining them as "utilizing computational resources as finite and precious, to be utilised only when necessary, and as effectively as possible", and "utilizing only already available computational resources, to be limited by that which is already produced." The author is part of a collective that wanted to replace all the "bloated" software they used, due to having little energy storage on their sailboat. Using software design techniques to reduce power usage, and to allow continued use of old computers is a good idea, but the uxn machine has quite the opposite effect, due to inefficient implementations and a poorly designed virtual machine, which does not lend itself to writing an efficient implementation easily.
Devine then mentioned it, and a discussion followed.
The online game Spider Solitaire Windows XP is a similar version of a legendary and quite popular Solitaire game that comes free with Microsoft Windows XP operating systems. Many people spent hours playing this game on their old computers. And now it’s available online.
Tabs are bad, and we can do without them as long as we have windows.
A collection of notes.
The Sore Feet Song, that was used in a Mushishi opening, was, in fact, not originally written for Mushishi! The author of the song elaborates on that a little.
Not so good.
I am sorry for linking such a ridiculously made website.
I have been using OpenBSD, a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based Unix-like operating system, both professionally and privately since about 2004, and today I'm going to share some of my experiences.
There are many alternatives to C strings. Here we explore the design space.
The suckless philosophy is all about keeping things simple, minimal and usable, but some people seem to have misunderstood it completely.
If you are looking for a free name, there is none.
Once a year I visit them.
Киллер-фич зига три, на мой взгляд
Тотальный контроль работы с памятью, намного более гранулярный, чем в C (аллокатор из коробки не один, их много, они разные, можно делать свои и передавать их другим программам)
Минимум имплицитного поведения, то есть всё максимально явно описывается в языке
Compile Time metaprogramming, то есть компилятор во время компиляции может исполнять код, при этом само понятие "тип" это просто объект языка, с которым можно поступать так же как с числами, или структурами. Просто гляньте как в Zig сделаны дженерики https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Generic-Data-Structures
Поймал себя на мысли, что совершенно не хочется куда-либо ссылаться, когда пишу заметки в блог. За 21 год существования этого сайта, померло почти всё
имя им легион
“The original URL for this prediction (www.longbets.org/601) will no longer be available in eleven years.”
It stayed the same.
Also mentioned here: https://gmb.21x2.net/archive/202202/22214308.html
Author's write-up: https://adactio.com/journal/18862
Online communities spawn, grow, and die. Why? How? What can be done?
It just happens. Nothing can be done. Accept.
They’re finally killing the iPod.
Cool mp3 players photos.
Холодный душ повышает мощь.
В японской культуре есть такое расхожее выражение «нанацу доогу» — семь предметов (или семь инструментов), которые определяют человека по профессии или по его предназначению.
Например, есть список для воина, куда входят: кольчуга( панцирь), катана, длинный меч, лук, стрелы, накидка «хоро» и шлем.
Greek tragedies are time-travel stories.
My principle objection to OOP goes back to the basic ideas involved, I will outline some of these ideas and my objections to them.
Joe Armstrong is the creator of Erlang. He has 4 objections to OOP:
He says functions and data structures are very different, so it's incorrect to bind them together. Feels like a weak argument to me.
He somehow says that everything being an objects is wrong, and everything should be a different type instead. This is an even weaker argument.
He dislikes that he can't put all the types in one file. Yeah, it's good you can't!
And something incoherent about states.
I'm not the biggest fan of OOP myself, but this rant is just useless. I am keeping this bookmark just because the site looks cool.
It's easy to determine if you really need the object oriented paradigm, you just need to look for the things that you can only do with object oriented programming and then ask yourself whether you really need that. It's called "The Three Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming". If you don't use all three at the same time, then you're not doing object oriented programming and you don't need it.
I want matching pantry containers, even though I shouldn't.
This is true.
Beautiful stuff. Check out the blog!
long long
does not exist there! It is all extensions.
Poka Yoke - яп. «избегать ошибок». Не искать виноватых в ошибках, но совершенствовать процесс.
How to Write Shell Scripts and don’t go ballistic in the process.
A month after reading this article, I learned the same thing at the university.
Нередко на статье о какой-нибудь очередной инновации я вспоминаю, что такое уже анонсировали лет 15—20 назад, но найти этого не удаётся, — все новостные издания, которые об этом писали, давно исчезли.
Simple web tools with no popups, no cookies, no tracking.
How to receive less ads and how good it is.
A tiny tool for simple, self-contained wikis!
A collection of some outliners and note-taking apps on a Domino board.
This is Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki. It has some pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting or system administration.
All Bash quirks are here.
О технологиях, жизни, идеях и науке.
Cool blog. Completed.
Find your people on Mastodon.
StreetPass is a browser extension that helps you find your people on Mastodon. Here's how it works:
Mastodon users verify themselves by adding a custom link to their personal site.
StreetPass lets you know when you've found one of these links, and adds them to your StreetPass list.
Browse the web as usual. StreetPass will build a list of Mastodon users made up of the websites you go to.
A flow based programming language built on uxn.
Пока мир сходит с ума по искусственному интеллекту, всплакну о низком уровне разработчиков. Подкатило, нужно выплеснуть.
Иван Гришаев жалуется, что программисты плохо программируют.