Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Гайд, как правильно писать сообщения для коммитов. О важности упоминания не просто того, что делает изменение, а зачем оно это делает. Очень мудро.
Cherry Cola recipe is based on the OpenCola recipe. Original recipe was modified to create 100% natural cola without any artificial ingredient. We removed sugar, caffeine and caramel color from the recipe, replaced phosphoric acid with lemon juice, and used chokeberry juice as a coloring agent and added cherry juice to make cherry cola.
Рецепт нашей вишнёвой колы создан на основе рецепта OpenCola — торговой марки, уникальной тем, что её рецепт приготовления находится в свободном доступе. Любой может приготовить этот напиток самостоятельно, а также изменять и улучшать его рецепт, так как он распространяется под лицензией GNU General Public License.
Мы убрали из рецепта сахар, кофеин и карамельный колер, ортофосфорную кислоту заменили вишнёвым и лимонным соком, а в качестве красителя использовали сок черноплодной рябины. За счёт этого, наша вишневая кола не только вкусная, но и полезная для здоровья!
Красота абсолютная! Я купил и выпил. На вкус так себе. Больше этот конкретный напиток брать не буду. Наверное, я хочу сахар или хотя бы подсластитель.
См. обновление в топ кол.
Image and video proxy for my pet-projects. Contribute to vas3k/pepic development by creating an account on GitHub.
Exobiotica is a world-building project that envisions how life may evolve in different places across the universe.
OLLOS is an experiment that organizes everything in my personal computing environment on one unified timeline.
Hour of the shroom
Self-hosted news, content, updates, launches, events, and more
BSD, C, httpd, SQLite: an open software stack for web applications
An ever growing list of links questioning the JavaScript paradigm
В конце 1940-х годов в 100 километрах к востоку от побережья Азербайджана началась реализация удивительного проекта. Прямо в море за несколько десятилетий вырос настоящий городок с многоэтажками, поликлиникой, столовой, пекарней и даже лимонадным цехом, окруженный сотнями километров эстакад с автомобильным движением. Это Нефтяные камни, уникальный поселок нефтяников, аналогов которому на планете нет. Onliner.by рассказывает, как человек в очередной раз победил природу, построив в открытом море город.
История о том, как наше Бюро проектировало лучшую тележку для торговых сетей группы X5
Я её видел, она классная
Stirling PDF
Hosted by Dan in Space!
С ума сойти.
Anvil is a graphical, multi-pane tiling editor that makes bold use of the mouse and integrates closely with the shell. It supports syntax highlighting, multiple cursors and selections, remote file editing, and contains a powerful text manipulation language.
How about we measure the amount of times programmers touch the lines. Instead of counting the number of lines we’ll count how many times they were actually modified—we can get this information from Git (or any other SCM). The more you touch that part of the aircraft—the more effort you spent on it, right?
I called it Hits-of-Code (HoC) and created a small tool to help us calculate this number in just one line.
What a nice idea! I installed this program and ran it on Betula and Mycorrhiza codebases. For Betula it's 26350 HoC, for Mycorrhiza it's 137208 HoC. Yeah, Betula is still comparatively young! Hey, what about Mycomarkup? 23443. Oh wow, just a little less than Betula. I expected a small number.
A visual, interactive guide to what bloom filters are, when you would use them, and how they work.
We get together a community of enthusiasts,
helping young and emerging projects find their way
in open source.
A competition. Jury judge the codebase.
Хайку интернет-журнал УЛИТКА | Haiku web-based magazine ULITKA
Однажды я там буду
Одно из самых известных и любимых в России хайку рассказывает об улитке, которая медленно взбирается на гору Фудзи.
Understanding the concept of nothingness is as much a philosophical issue as it is a pragmatic one.
The four nils.
It would be a game-changer if all members of a basketball team could see out of each other's eyes in addition to their own. A research duo at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute has found evidence that this kind of collective sensing occurs in close-knit groups of African weakly electric fish, also known as elephantnose fish. This instantaneous sharing of sensory intelligence could help the fish locate food, friends and foes.
This stability exists despite the incredible diversity seen today in wing patterns, sizes, and caterpillar forms across over 160,000 species globally, according to a new paper published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.
It is rather like how fish can stay in the same place in a flowing river. They have to swim against the current. Similarly, in the absence of evolution, the genome would degrade due to accumulated mutations. Natural selection constantly selects against non-adaptive mutations. The genome of a creature which is as well adapted as it can be for a particular environment does not change because it cannot be better adapted than it already is.
I can't get the noise out of my head. People who watch the video express awe and disgust. And that is why Dutch software developer Bert Hubert's experiment is so powerful. It doesn't really uncover something that we shouldn't already know. Something we often choose to ignore. The brilliance is
From offpunk chat
They're completely different, but often coupled.
I would like to use core packages on OpenBSD to setup Mycorrhiza.
A fresh guide from a fresh gardenist.
Оказывается, мы умеем шутить уже 13 миллионов лет
merely 93% of paint splatters parse as valid Perl.
package main templ Hello(name string){ <div>Hello, { name }</div> } templ Greeting(person Person){ <div class="greeting"> @Hello(person.Name) </div> }
Git веб сервис
this repo contains third party docker compose files for mycorrhiza and betula
My thoughts and findings
Вики на микоризе с ссылками про го.
A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name networked servers, wireless access points or client computers, but it can also be used to name projects, products, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.
Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh and NeXT system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a (modern) web browser.
On names in open source
Modal programs are represented as a series of rules, formatted as tokens delimited by brackets and parentheses, applied to a given tree which gets continually modified until no rules match any given part of the tree.
<> (?x dup) (?x ?x)
<> (?x ?y swap) (?y ?x)
<> ( ?x pop) ()
.. (1 2 3) (4 5 6) swap pop dup
01 (4 5 6) (1 2 3) pop dup
02 (4 5 6) dup
00 (4 5 6) (4 5 6)
<> (if (#t) ?b) (?b)
<> (if (#f) ?b) ()
.. (if (eq bat bat) reached!)
02 (if (#t) reached!)
00 (reached!)
Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code - s-macke/VoxelSpace
via https://t.me/optorepost/55
Если кратко, то там вся карта хранится в виде двух текстур, а "воксели" рендерятся хитрым образом, просто проходя по этим текстурам в нужном порядке.