20 random bookmarks
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
LDtk (Level Designer Toolkit) is an open-source 2D level editor for indie devs, with a strong focus on user-friendliness.
WebKit browser with proper extensions. Best of both worlds! Gotta try when I get back to my MacBook.
Я Федор, ведущий разработчик 1С. На хакатоне компании команда под моим руководством перенесла игру «Герои меча и магии III» на платформу 1С. Расскажу, как устроена конфигурация «1С: Герои меча и магии» с технической точки зрения.
This forum is Mycomarkup-enabled now!
An IRC bot that generates a feed of links that are submitted by users.
Exobiotica is a world-building project that envisions how life may evolve in different places across the universe.
Pagefind is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure.
It's 2024 - do you know where your post-quantum cryptography is?
Q-day is in 10 years max.
Справочник энциклопедия грибов «ВикиГриб» 🍄 - каталог всех видов грибов растущих на территории СНГ (Россия, Украина, Белоруссия)
Tedu wrote a tool that lets you handle errors in Go like this:
func decomp(filename string) ([]byte, error) {
fd := ^os.Open(filename)
defer fd.Close()
zd := ^gzip.NewReader(fd)
data := ^io.ReadAll(zd)
return data, nil
Try to out smart the cat! Don't let him escape. This game is addicting, be forewarned!
Simple but fun game. I want to port it to uxn or something someday...
A 2021 article
The keyboard is cute! A symmetrical layout. 3 keys for fingers, except for the index, which has 6; 3 thumbs. Low profile.
Unit tests are not a panacea. End-to-end tests are often much more useful. Some things cannot be tested at all. Think before testing.
Guillaume Lion visited Low-tech Magazine in Barcelona and turned his experience into a comic for the Belgian magazine Médor.
That's what they call BD?
We’ve finally got to the point in the software world where no big changes are possible. Every change breaks something, introduces backward incompatibilities and so on. More are more we are going to live in the world where software mutates gradually, advancing is small steps without much plan and intelligent design. Similarly to how organisms are dragged by natural selection, it is going to be propelled in unknown direction without asking us whether we like it or not.
The software industry is reaching the stage where it cannot be revolutionized heavily, it is to evolve like the living ones. It is not necessarily good.