20 random bookmarks
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
The revolutionary ideas that empowered the Web.
A simpler approach to building applications on the Web and beyond with htmx and Hyperview.
Enhancing web applications without using SPA frameworks.
Book on htmx
Staticcheck - The advanced Go linter. Contribute to dominikh/go-tools development by creating an account on GitHub.
История о том, как наше Бюро проектировало лучшую тележку для торговых сетей группы X5
Я её видел, она классная
Puzzle together in this free-to-win modern yet familiar online stacker in the same genre as Tetris. Play multiplayer games against friends and foes all over the world, or claim a spot on the leaderboards - the stacker future is yours!
My tetris pal filled me in on the newest Tetris tech. This one seems to be all the rage now, instead of Jstris. I can see why! It's awesome.
Datagubbe giving good advice in a bullet list. My favorite items are:
Disable notfications. I'd recommend to at least turn their sound off.
Use smaller software, use less applications.
Avoid social media. I'm building one haha.
Delete unused accounts.
Thank FOSS maintainers. That includes me.
Disable blinking cursor.
My least favorite is his recommendation to use laptops less. I myself should use it more, so I don't use the phone. And I don't have a desktop or a place for it.
Few people know how to use computers.
Safari is holding back the web. It is the new IE, after all. In contrast, Chrome is pushing the web forward so hard that it’s starting to break. Meanwhile web developers do nothing except moan and complain. The only thing left to do is to pick our poison.
This is actually why I prefer Safari.
Активный Оберон — база, его русский вариант должен, соответственно, быть базой.
This article helped me set up automated proxy toggling.
Животные, обнаруженные под льдами Антарктиды, ведут оседлый образ жизни, они не способны передвигаться с места на место. Обычно чтобы такие создания смогли жить глубоко на океанском дне, им нужны стабильные запасы пищи в виде «морского снега». Все живые существа, плавающие в километрах воды наверху, однажды умирают, и со временем тонут. Их частицы, которые не достались никому более прожорливому, со временем добираются до дна.
One of NetHack4 developers playtested several NetHack variants and told their findings and thoughts on balance in great design.
I've never got to Sokoban in NetHack. I basically don't know how to play. Despite that, I enjoyed this ridiculously long article.
Also, it was the first article in 6 years in the blog. Luckily, RSS catches everything.
A collection of bad practices. Some of them I like!
A website about selecting and classifying text editors used in programming systems. These are the programming text editors such as Emacs, VI, Multiedit, slick, Slickedit, ISPF, Notepad, VI and VIM that are used by the vast majority of programmers on UNIX, Windows, VAX, and Mainframe systems. The structure of the website allows any vistor to leave their opinions, knowledge, and mark on the website for others to enjoy.
A Social Feed Reader for the IndieWeb
The Mac version simply didn't run. I installed the Android version. On first run it showed a quick error which I did not understand. I wanted to see how my Betula, which emits h-feed
and h-entry
microformats, would look like in this app. Turns out, when it talked about IndieWeb, it talked about MicroSub, not microformats2. What a liar!
I tried to authorize to https://merveilles.town, after all it supports Mastodon too! It failed to authorize me.
Overall, I couldn't do anything at all with the app. Sharing it nevertheless.
My experiment with a Mini Cubes-inspired spatial information manager.
This is true.
The 8-Bit Guy and a big team have made a Commodore descendant.
Doldrusidus is an open-ended, obscure simulation realized as a multiplayer game taking place in a small universe. At its core, the engine is a simulation of entities possessing a number of different components that represent their properties. One such property is the ability to emulate machine code assembled for the uxn fantasy architecture.