20 random bookmarks
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
As game developers, we can learn a lot from the past. Let's look at the history of game consoles to understand the driving forces that helped shape the modern gamedev technologies we use today.
Server racks as home furniture.
PlantStudio Botanical Illustration Software is a tool for creating 3D plant models and 2D illustrations. PlantStudio simulates herbaceous (non-woody) plants like wildflowers and cut flowers, vegetables, weeds, grasses, and herbs using a parameter-driven simulation of plant growth and structure.
Ещё один клон старого ВК. Мне дали доступ к какому-то аккаунту. Автор проекта заметил, что я в сети, и начал со мной разговор. Обсудили чуток, прикольно. Пожелал ему удачи и попросил сделать RSS-ленту, чтобы я подписаться мог.
E is a very small text editor in the style of Emacs, microemacs,
JOVE, etc.
It implements many of the common Emacs commands.
It does not have an extension language.
It does let you rebind keys.
It runs in a terminal or terminal emulator only.
Matthew comments on an article that profanity is to be avoided. He thinks that it's not up to the article author to decide and that he will swear as before. I'll continue this thread and reply here.
I don't swear in Russian, like, at all. People usually don't notice this, but when they do, they are so surprised. Swearing is a norm with Russian youth, and I don't accept that. The only problem with not swearing is the discomfort when I want to quote somebody who said something I wouldn't say; I haven't found a solution yet. Some people find joy in trying to persuade me to say something “bad”.
I'm more tolerant in that regard in English, though. Perhaps it's because it's not my native language. I don't swear much though. You'd have to invest a lot of time to find an English text of mine where I said something profane. I myself wouldn't even bother.
P. S. Definitions of “profanity” vary. I have my own.
MVC is a very popular architectural design pattern that goes absolutely against the spirit of object-oriented programming.
Data classes are containers for your data—not behavior
The Dunning-Kruger effect states that incompetent people overestimate their competence. You've heard of that before, probably. Turns out, there is a major error in the statistics: the effect is actually nothing more than an autocorrelation. If we measure the stuff correctly, the effect disappears.
The music player you wish you had in the early 2000s
Luxury beliefs have, to a large extent, replaced luxury goods.
Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class, while often inflicting costs on the lower classes.
These works became public domain in 2023. There are good works I've read/watched and enjoyed too!
Крутая статья про то, как используют рыб для sustainable и low-tech переработки человеческих отходов.
/kbin is an open source reddit-like content aggregator and microblogging platform for the fediverse.
Create and moderate communities, meet people with similar interests, and develop your passions.
Notes on Uxn.