Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
A collection of notes.
The Sore Feet Song, that was used in a Mushishi opening, was, in fact, not originally written for Mushishi! The author of the song elaborates on that a little.
Not so good.
I am sorry for linking such a ridiculously made website.
I have been using OpenBSD, a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based Unix-like operating system, both professionally and privately since about 2004, and today I'm going to share some of my experiences.
There are many alternatives to C strings. Here we explore the design space.
The suckless philosophy is all about keeping things simple, minimal and usable, but some people seem to have misunderstood it completely.
If you are looking for a free name, there is none.
Once a year I visit them.
Киллер-фич зига три, на мой взгляд
Тотальный контроль работы с памятью, намного более гранулярный, чем в C (аллокатор из коробки не один, их много, они разные, можно делать свои и передавать их другим программам)
Минимум имплицитного поведения, то есть всё максимально явно описывается в языке
Compile Time metaprogramming, то есть компилятор во время компиляции может исполнять код, при этом само понятие "тип" это просто объект языка, с которым можно поступать так же как с числами, или структурами. Просто гляньте как в Zig сделаны дженерики https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Generic-Data-Structures
Поймал себя на мысли, что совершенно не хочется куда-либо ссылаться, когда пишу заметки в блог. За 21 год существования этого сайта, померло почти всё
имя им легион
“The original URL for this prediction (www.longbets.org/601) will no longer be available in eleven years.”
It stayed the same.
Also mentioned here: https://gmb.21x2.net/archive/202202/22214308.html
Author's write-up: https://adactio.com/journal/18862
Online communities spawn, grow, and die. Why? How? What can be done?
It just happens. Nothing can be done. Accept.
They’re finally killing the iPod.
Cool mp3 players photos.
Холодный душ повышает мощь.
В японской культуре есть такое расхожее выражение «нанацу доогу» — семь предметов (или семь инструментов), которые определяют человека по профессии или по его предназначению.
Например, есть список для воина, куда входят: кольчуга( панцирь), катана, длинный меч, лук, стрелы, накидка «хоро» и шлем.
Greek tragedies are time-travel stories.
My principle objection to OOP goes back to the basic ideas involved, I will outline some of these ideas and my objections to them.
Joe Armstrong is the creator of Erlang. He has 4 objections to OOP:
He says functions and data structures are very different, so it's incorrect to bind them together. Feels like a weak argument to me.
He somehow says that everything being an objects is wrong, and everything should be a different type instead. This is an even weaker argument.
He dislikes that he can't put all the types in one file. Yeah, it's good you can't!
And something incoherent about states.
I'm not the biggest fan of OOP myself, but this rant is just useless. I am keeping this bookmark just because the site looks cool.
It's easy to determine if you really need the object oriented paradigm, you just need to look for the things that you can only do with object oriented programming and then ask yourself whether you really need that. It's called "The Three Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming". If you don't use all three at the same time, then you're not doing object oriented programming and you don't need it.
I want matching pantry containers, even though I shouldn't.
This is true.
Beautiful stuff. Check out the blog!
long long
does not exist there! It is all extensions.
Poka Yoke - яп. «избегать ошибок». Не искать виноватых в ошибках, но совершенствовать процесс.
How to Write Shell Scripts and don’t go ballistic in the process.
A month after reading this article, I learned the same thing at the university.
Нередко на статье о какой-нибудь очередной инновации я вспоминаю, что такое уже анонсировали лет 15—20 назад, но найти этого не удаётся, — все новостные издания, которые об этом писали, давно исчезли.
Simple web tools with no popups, no cookies, no tracking.
How to receive less ads and how good it is.
A tiny tool for simple, self-contained wikis!
A collection of some outliners and note-taking apps on a Domino board.
This is Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki. It has some pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting or system administration.
All Bash quirks are here.
О технологиях, жизни, идеях и науке.
Cool blog. Completed.
Find your people on Mastodon.
StreetPass is a browser extension that helps you find your people on Mastodon. Here's how it works:
Mastodon users verify themselves by adding a custom link to their personal site.
StreetPass lets you know when you've found one of these links, and adds them to your StreetPass list.
Browse the web as usual. StreetPass will build a list of Mastodon users made up of the websites you go to.
A flow based programming language built on uxn.
Пока мир сходит с ума по искусственному интеллекту, всплакну о низком уровне разработчиков. Подкатило, нужно выплеснуть.
Иван Гришаев жалуется, что программисты плохо программируют.
Seems like a continuation of the previous article: 186
When my T620, arrived in the mail, I was immediately impressed. It has a substantial weight, due to its stong metal case surrounded by a thick plastic with many perforations for air flow. The T620 is fan-less, so it is absolutely silent while running, perfect for an HTPC. It reminded me of a Dell business desktop computer, because its cover can be removed without tools. Inside, the T620 was completely dust free. It looked new on the outside and the inside. This was almost like buying a new computer for $26.35. I immediately removed the 16 GB SSD and booted the T620 from an external USB flash drive with a command-line-only Debian distribution. Seeing that the power consumption never rose above 11 Watts during boot and remained at 5-6 Watts while idling confirmed that this should make a fine web server or NAS.
Markdown in all its flavors, interpretations, and forks won’t go away. However, it’s important to look at emerging content formats that try to encompass modern needs. In this article, Knut shares his advice against Markdown by looking back on why it was introduced in the first place, and by going through some of the major developments of content on the web.
The author tells how Markdown is used for different purposes.
Хорошая обзорная статья.
A collection of zoomable demos working in browser. It is not smooth.
What does it take to bring functional programming to a stack-based assembly language?
About nito, 181.
nito, a proof-of-concept compiler from Uxntal to C
It is written in Raku!
I’ve seen multiple discussions online as to the negative effects of the internet on society. There’s definitely harmful content online. It makes me sad to see the internet being used as a tool to s…
Is that enough? Evidence, as they say, suggests otherwise. We are finally always online and, as it turns out, lonelier than ever.
In a sense, we have begun to worship the Internet while we have lost our understanding of the basic principles that led to its creation a mere generation and a half ago. In this article I give as clear a picture as I am capable of what the Internet could be to each of us and why it should be that way.
Big text.
If you are finding the Internet toxic and depressing, you are very likely spending your time on the wrong part of the Internet.
I've read more than 20 texts like this. Here's another one.
The author tells us that CGI is good and should be used a lot.
Нужно воспитывать людей вокруг себя. Нельзя прощать пиццериям холодной пиццы. Нужно звать менеджера, шеф-повара, кого угодно — и требовать горячей. Нельзя выходить из супермаркета через неудобный вход, когда удобный закрыли за пять минут до конца рабочего дня. Нужно звать начальника службы безопасности, управляющего, кого угодно — и заставлять его открыть тебе тот выход, через который тебе удобнее всего выйти. Не всегда будет получаться — иногда и менеджеры тоже бывают буфетчицами.
Это сначала на тебя будут смотреть, как на сволочь последнюю. Но зато лет через 50 мы будем жить в другой стране. Если не ты, то кто это сделает?
Плохой работе не может быть оправдания.
I've wanted something like this for a long time. Intended for small graphs where laying things out by hand is not too painful, and it's nice that things don't move around every time I make a change, as happens with graphviz. The file format is also amenable to git; no long lines, and adding new nodes or edges doesn't reorder unrelated nodes and edges.
Look at what they have to do to mimic the fraction of Mycomarkup's lists.
10 things to do to improve your team and make yourself replaceable. The author claims that being replaceable makes it easier for you to grow professionally.
A smart paper about linear types. I did not grasp it fully.