Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
A teacher says that one should teach programming with a programming language that was designed for that. Oberon, for example.
A database of 3d models of toy parts. There's also a Gameboy battery lid there.
Aphantasia veils the past and the future from the mind’s eye. That can be a gift to philosophers like Derek Parfit and me
An archaic ZUI program. You can download it and find the docs and papers on this site. Gotta try it one day. Will I be able to run it on modern macOS?
An interview with Kinopio's creator.
One can make diesel by burning plastic and make a car go with that diesel! The biggest problem is that in the process of burning too much emissions are produced.
A linter for Go that finds nil panics. It found several potential nil panic in Betula and Mycorrhiza codebases that I didn't bother fixing.
Emersion is making a cool tool called pyonji for easier git patch sending. Good UX.
Bezier curve implementation for numpy. Helping me with an assignment! Thank you author.
Ого сайт танкеток.
Предлагается такая форма стихов для русского языка, вдохновлённая хайку. Две строчки и шесть слогов. Пример:
CW: spiders
Web-inspired harp-like music instrument. Cool!
A fresh take on typesetting
Вастрик сравнивает программистов, которым по работе надо постоянно выбрасывать свой код, с фермерами, которые при первой необходимости забивают свой скот. Говорит, что пет-проекты — это уже питомцы, и о них уже можно заботиться.
Гайдлайны для создания DSL, 26 шт. В принципе они применимы и для языков общего назначения.
The music player you wish you had in the early 2000s
A big list of cool paper organization techniques. I love this topic. If you ever visit me in Ufa, let me show my organized binders.
This Mac is uncharging in a world where things change by the minute. It will never receive another software update and is thoroughly obsolete, but it's comforting to have something that you know will stay the same forever, remaining in a known state every time you return to it.
A basic Mastodon client for Classic Mac OS
Taking a look back and using a 20 year old iPod today.
Principles to make building web software easier, faster and more inclusive.
Фоменко 😍😍 Надо внимательнее изучить, очень интересно.
Yaamp — aудио-плеер Winamp с интегрированным сервисом Яндекс.Музыка
A stack-based pure inlining concatenative programming language written in NASM assembly
Hyphae is a generative algorithm that grows root-like networks.
Pagefind is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure.
Hare will stay around for a century by rejecting innovation and being soundly designed. Sounds good! I low-key want to write something in it.
Yeah, sure.
This is a primer for implementation of ActivityPub.
Stacksmith - A tool for making apps for non-programmers.
A Hypercard successor.
Как пожарить сулугуни. Надо попробовать. Я люблю жареное и сулугуни. Смесь должна тоже понравиться!
Bash strict mode.
set -euxo pipefail
The -x is sometimes not needed, it prints out every input back. So, this is an option:
set -euo pipefail
An open source RISC based balanced ternary computer research project
Гришка учит Активитипабу. Вовремя!
In search of an American soda in far-flung places
Нередко приходится приводить этот сайт в пример мощного веб-дизайна, сохраню на всякий.
Info on the Cat. Documents!
Jef Raskin on how the two-part cursor is better than the one we are used to and how cool Leap is.
I didn't really get the cursor part. The fact that the significant text formatting is simply stripped does not help. I should play with it in an emulator.
Leap is cool, yeah. But I didn't get how the copy-paste works.
Sometimes I imagine a cool cyberdeck in which I implement the coolest features from many sources, including the Canon Cat!
Luxury beliefs have, to a large extent, replaced luxury goods.
Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class, while often inflicting costs on the lower classes.
Ken describes how he injected a virus into a compiler. Not only did his compiler know it was compiling the login function and inject a backdoor, but it also knew when it was compiling itself and injected the backdoor generator into the compiler it was creating. The source code for the compiler thereafter contains no evidence of either virus.
Good links.