Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
A visual, interactive guide to what bloom filters are, when you would use them, and how they work.
We get together a community of enthusiasts,
helping young and emerging projects find their way
in open source.
A competition. Jury judge the codebase.
Хайку интернет-журнал УЛИТКА | Haiku web-based magazine ULITKA
Однажды я там буду
Одно из самых известных и любимых в России хайку рассказывает об улитке, которая медленно взбирается на гору Фудзи.
Understanding the concept of nothingness is as much a philosophical issue as it is a pragmatic one.
The four nils.
It would be a game-changer if all members of a basketball team could see out of each other's eyes in addition to their own. A research duo at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute has found evidence that this kind of collective sensing occurs in close-knit groups of African weakly electric fish, also known as elephantnose fish. This instantaneous sharing of sensory intelligence could help the fish locate food, friends and foes.
This stability exists despite the incredible diversity seen today in wing patterns, sizes, and caterpillar forms across over 160,000 species globally, according to a new paper published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.
It is rather like how fish can stay in the same place in a flowing river. They have to swim against the current. Similarly, in the absence of evolution, the genome would degrade due to accumulated mutations. Natural selection constantly selects against non-adaptive mutations. The genome of a creature which is as well adapted as it can be for a particular environment does not change because it cannot be better adapted than it already is.
I can't get the noise out of my head. People who watch the video express awe and disgust. And that is why Dutch software developer Bert Hubert's experiment is so powerful. It doesn't really uncover something that we shouldn't already know. Something we often choose to ignore. The brilliance is
From offpunk chat
They're completely different, but often coupled.
I would like to use core packages on OpenBSD to setup Mycorrhiza.
A fresh guide from a fresh gardenist.
Оказывается, мы умеем шутить уже 13 миллионов лет
merely 93% of paint splatters parse as valid Perl.
package main templ Hello(name string){ <div>Hello, { name }</div> } templ Greeting(person Person){ <div class="greeting"> @Hello(person.Name) </div> }
Git веб сервис
this repo contains third party docker compose files for mycorrhiza and betula
My thoughts and findings
Вики на микоризе с ссылками про го.
A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name networked servers, wireless access points or client computers, but it can also be used to name projects, products, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.
Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh and NeXT system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a (modern) web browser.
On names in open source
Modal programs are represented as a series of rules, formatted as tokens delimited by brackets and parentheses, applied to a given tree which gets continually modified until no rules match any given part of the tree.
<> (?x dup) (?x ?x)
<> (?x ?y swap) (?y ?x)
<> ( ?x pop) ()
.. (1 2 3) (4 5 6) swap pop dup
01 (4 5 6) (1 2 3) pop dup
02 (4 5 6) dup
00 (4 5 6) (4 5 6)
<> (if (#t) ?b) (?b)
<> (if (#f) ?b) ()
.. (if (eq bat bat) reached!)
02 (if (#t) reached!)
00 (reached!)
Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code - s-macke/VoxelSpace
via https://t.me/optorepost/55
Если кратко, то там вся карта хранится в виде двух текстур, а "воксели" рендерятся хитрым образом, просто проходя по этим текстурам в нужном порядке.
Demonstration of the Voxel Space technique
EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs. The EditorConfig project consists of a file format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined styles. EditorConfig files are easily readable and they work nicely with version control systems.
Alternative Go (Golang) Playground with syntax highlighting, turtle graphics and more
A source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’ *,
resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They
therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.
Classic MacOS & GS/OS widget library for linux (and other?) - buserror/libmui
Главное правило пропаганды — посыл должен быть простым. Если хочешь, чтобы твоя вера распространялась, нужно упаковать ее в короткое и броское сообщение — мем. Чем он проще и тупее, тем ему легче распространяться. Если мем в рифму — еще лучше.
Мем дожен быть безапелляционным, без деталей, однозначным и не вызывающим сомнений. В идеале — чтобы он касался каких-то человеческих грехов — например, гордыни, алчности или гнева. Это сейчас самые социально одобряемые грехи.
3D DOM viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM topographically. - DOM3D.js
Building on the Fediverse is hard. Here is a list of ActivityPub and other developer resources that have been helpful in developing Emissary.
This is not a canonical or official list by any means, but hopefully this list of bookmarks is valuable to others who are building their own Fediverse apps.
Instead of asking over and over again if she is working tomorrow. I just consult her very organised calendar — and when she wants to check if I'm free she looks at my very empty calendar.
Крупнейшая фотогалерея городского электротранспорта России и мира. Базы подвижного состава, видеокаталог.
Оформление ИП даёт сиюминутную выгоду: в ближайшее время вы получите больше на руки (но это неточно), при этом рискуете больничными, отпускными, да и доходом в целом.
The bicycle, as we know it today, was not invented until the late 1800s. Here are some theories about why
In Go, a string is a (possibly empty) immutable sequence of bytes. The critical word here for our purposes is immutable. Because byte slices are mutable, converting between string and []byte generally requires an alloc and copy, which is expensive.
What if such conversions were cached? That would make comparing strings so much faster!: two integer comparisons (len and ptr). This article explains how this approach could be implemented.
A library implementing this:
It looks pretty small and simple. Despite having only 81 stars, it is used by 67.4k GitHub packages. Transitive dependencies. Found it at work accidentally. OpenSource woes.
A federated wiki the focus on fighting Wikipedia from a developer of Lemmy. I don't like their cause, but I'm interested in the technical aspect (I myself had been trying to come up with an excuse for using ActivityPub for wikis for two years). They seem to use WebFinger usernames like that: article@server! Wild! Their treatment of media is unclear to me right now, also they seem to federate Markdown, which is just ridiculous for a Wikipedia killer. Wikipedia uses infoboxes a lot, how are you gonna replace that?
Kind of controversial take on note taking systems. I can relate though, because i was lost in a burden of creating perfect knowledge management system for a long time without creating any knowledge. Simplest approach with commonplace notebook is what working for me now.
Comments are also useful.
Getting lost in your knowledge management system is a fantastic way to avoid creating things.
Most heart-stopping writing comes from synthesizing the previously unarticulated in the moment. Rather than reaching for your database, try channeling what’s in the air at this very second. These read/write errors are what we call originality.
Leonardo da Vinci kept all of his notes in one big book. If he liked something he put it down. This is known as a commonplace book, and it is about how detailed your note-taking system should be unless you plan on thinking more elaborately than Leonardo da Vinci.
Shun the useless adoption of the aesthetic of the useful. When something can be like work or like play, never make it work.
Personal goals are generally expected to happen later.
The reason it’s hard to get going on personal goals is that you’re already using all of your time. No matter who you are, you’re already using all 24 hours, every day, for something. Because this will always be true, goals that happen at all must happen now, while you still don’t yet have time.
Basically, you learn to work in small, uniform parcels of time. They’re short, timer-bound, and unwaveringly focused on a particular outcome. Most importantly, they can fit into real life, as it already is.
Innovation tokens and whatnot.
A digital typewriter based on a Raspberry Pi and an E-Ink screen.
Basically, we are standing at a very bad point regarding the climate. I expect regions with acceptable air and temperature to become very luxurious. Better be there when the time comes. But what are such regions?
I think I've accepted the doom of the burning world. It will happen and I am witnessing it already. A fact.
Есть фееричное по своей глупости выражение: на правду не обижаются. Это верно: обижаются не на правду, а на бестактность, грубость, фамильярность, непрошенное мнение и все то, что сопутствует правде.
Если собеседник обижается на правду, стоит подумать, как лучше ее донести и вообще — стоит ли ее доносить.