Tag floss
26 bookmarks have this tag.
26 bookmarks have this tag.
We're a friendly community creating a digital corner pub.
Our goal is to enable more people to use free software, have secure digital communications, and to take control over their private data.
We host online services for you and all the people you love. We do this transparently and democratically.
Commercial projects are often more accessible, and relying people get trapped.
Purveyors of fine freeware since 1972. On the net since 1991.*
A classic pattern in technology economics, identified by Joel Spolsky, is layers of the stack attempting to become monopolies while turning other layers into perfectly-competitive markets which are commoditized, in order to harvest most of the consumer surplus; discussion and examples.
Ploum recommends putting the AGPL license (or similar) on software and once again reminds that software is inherently political.
Изучили состояние рынка, мотивацию участников, их цели и трудности.
Cherry Cola recipe is based on the OpenCola recipe. Original recipe was modified to create 100% natural cola without any artificial ingredient. We removed sugar, caffeine and caramel color from the recipe, replaced phosphoric acid with lemon juice, and used chokeberry juice as a coloring agent and added cherry juice to make cherry cola.
Рецепт нашей вишнёвой колы создан на основе рецепта OpenCola — торговой марки, уникальной тем, что её рецепт приготовления находится в свободном доступе. Любой может приготовить этот напиток самостоятельно, а также изменять и улучшать его рецепт, так как он распространяется под лицензией GNU General Public License.
Мы убрали из рецепта сахар, кофеин и карамельный колер, ортофосфорную кислоту заменили вишнёвым и лимонным соком, а в качестве красителя использовали сок черноплодной рябины. За счёт этого, наша вишневая кола не только вкусная, но и полезная для здоровья!
Красота абсолютная! Я купил и выпил. На вкус так себе. Больше этот конкретный напиток брать не буду. Наверное, я хочу сахар или хотя бы подсластитель.
См. обновление в топ кол.
We get together a community of enthusiasts,
helping young and emerging projects find their way
in open source.
A competition. Jury judge the codebase.
On names in open source
I’ve spent the last 6 years teaching Free Software and Open Source at École Polytechnique de Louvain, being forced to investigate the subject and the history more than I anticipated in order to answer students’ questions. I’ve read many historical books on the subject, including RMS’s biography and many older writings.
And something struck me.
RMS was right since the very beginning. Every warning, every prophecy realised. And, worst of all, he had the solution since the start. The problem is not RMS or FSF. The problem is us. The problem is that we didn’t listen.
Un média pour explorer des alternatives numériques qui vous respectent !
Datagubbe giving good advice in a bullet list. My favorite items are:
Disable notfications. I'd recommend to at least turn their sound off.
Use smaller software, use less applications.
Avoid social media. I'm building one haha.
Delete unused accounts.
Thank FOSS maintainers. That includes me.
Disable blinking cursor.
My least favorite is his recommendation to use laptops less. I myself should use it more, so I don't use the phone. And I don't have a desktop or a place for it.
История опен-сорса в России. Надо почитать.
To my projects only paid hosting seems applicable.
Айтишники и учёные соберутся в баре и будут обсуждать опен-сорс. А знаете, кто там будет?! Там будет Данила! А знаете, про что он будет там говорить??? Про Бетулу!!! Питерские, давайте быстренько записывайтесь.
Yeah, sure.
Browsing projects on #Sourcehut reminds me of what FLOSS development looked like 15-20 years ago. Ugly interfaces that were just thin layers above the code, barely any README (let alone wikis, or any form of easily accessible and structured documentation), and let's not mention accessibility on mobile.
How are we supposed to build the foundations of tomorrow's FLOSS if we use tools that look even more outdated than Craigslist? How are we supposed to have any credibility when we tell people "stop using Github, try Sourcehut instead"? How do we expect to create user engagement? How do we expect somebody who's not a developer to use software that doesn't even come with an easily accessible documentation?
And the discussion is good. The endless discussion about SourceHut's UI+UX! My opinion: UI is good, UX not so. But I use it nevertheless!
This article made numbers on the fedded verses. It encourages everybody to ditch GitHub. The message makes sense. I've been reducing my GitHub presence. This article wasn't the trigger for me, but it was for many people. Maybe it will be one for you!
A specific someone in disguise says that accepting help to your software projects often leads to destruction.
RMS was right with the four freedoms. Copyleft was the solution all along. Then Ploum lists the freedoms and a new obligation:
The right to use the software at your own discretion
The right to study the software
The right to modify the software
The right to redistribute the software, including with modifications
The obligation to keep those four rights, effectively keeping the software in the commons.