Tag personal_site
57 bookmarks have this tag.
Personal website is a website that is dedicated to + maintained by one exact person. Often, a blog, or a digital garden.
57 bookmarks have this tag.
Personal website is a website that is dedicated to + maintained by one exact person. Often, a blog, or a digital garden.
/.well-known/avatar resolving to an image. Edge cases not considered at all. Might implement
Runs on Cardigan Bay. Has a long history
У автора умер сайт на Нотионе, и он сделал вот эту прекрасную вещь.
Introduced by Artyom.
I visit Derek Sivers' website from time to time. Every time I do, I discover he had
written some half a hundred new blog posts,
moved to another place,
and started a new diet/philosophy/routine/book.
He's too productive for a human, but that's a topic for a different time.
A way to be on the web!
gwit is a minimalist system for a Web of replicated, host-neutral, lightweight sites backed by Git.
Interesting system. However, this system is designed around the notion of keeping the history by default, which is wrong. History is to be thrown away by default, that's what the modern Web gets right.
a room, a scrapbook, a laboratory...
Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.
Realtime personal pages
Programs and writings.
Blog of independent video game developer and digital media artist Matt Sephton. Featuring vintage Macintosh, game development, digital artwork, Japanese esoterica, video game reviews, hacks and tips, and much more.
Вебдевер. В момент сохранения этой закладки он ведёт у меня семинар в компании про интернет и вёрстку. Видать толковый человек.
UPD. Рассказывает совсем базовые вещи про типографику. Что такое неразрывный пробел, что такое тире, когда что писать надо. Мне это всё знакомо с 14 лет, но для большинства людей это в самом деле полезно будет узнать на старости лет!
Конечно же не обошлось без типографа Лебедева и нелепой типографской раскладки Бирмана. Я уж надеялся без них обойдётся. А про главред расскажут?
UPD. Узнал про text-wrap:
и pretty
! hyphens: auto
. line-clamp
, clamp
. cqi
, cap
This is a blog. I write about things I want to write about - lots of philosophy, some short stories, and stuff I find interesting in general. Read if you enjoy them as well.
Hi! I am Susam Pal. Welcome to my website. This page provides a brief introduction about me and this website.
I am a software engineer by profession. I have a keen interest in free and open source software. My first non-trivial contribution to open source was NUTCH-559 in 2007. That contribution added support for various authentication schemes to Apache Nutch, an open source web crawler. I have remained active in the open source communities since then. I also develop and maintain a few open source projects of my own at github.com/susam. For a list of my projects, see my open source work details.
A betulist and a gardener. Loving their design.
Tedu. The person that developed projects I want to develop too five years ago already with the same stack for some reason. Author of Honk, Inks, Azorius and whatnot.
Hi! I'm novie. I like computers and other things. This is my little corner of the web, where I dump random thoughts and knowledge.
Another Mycorrhiza wiki dropped! This one is pretty fun.
This site is best viewed in Lynx. In other browsers, it tries its best to simulate that experience.
Hardware electronics projects.
Hi, I'm Redowan Delowar—a wandering sciolist with a flair for ones and zeros. I learn, write, and tweet about Python, Go, SQL, and the broader landscape of software in general.
A list of personal websites that run personal software.
Manu Chao's website
Agile Project Management & Software Engineering
The website of Robin Rendle, a designer and writer from the UK.
A home on the internet.
Seem to be good writings. Will read properly later. Didn't find any RSS though.
Tedu's Mercurial repœ. I would've linked the root website instead, but there is no such thing. Collecting all of theirs' websites is a challenge which I will succeed in!
Back in the salad days of the internet, I was always very curious about people who disappeared from a solid presence on the internet. Where did they go? Why did they go? What are they doing now? Do they still care about the things they wrote about? Are they still doodling, drawing, writing, taking pictures?
Сайт разработчика OutWiker.
Adriane, the Gemini browser for Android, and the Gempub format, were made in this digital lab.
An extremely vibeful site. Don't forget to check the Gopher version too! And Fedi too.
Most of subservices are offline for now. However, I've found a Betula of theirs!
Running a personal website is an emotional roller coaster. This fact seems strange to me, because I feel I do a fairly good job of keeping my ego disengaged from the process. I realize that whether people like what I write or hate it has absolutely nothing to do with my worth as a human being. Yet, receiving comments and emails from readers who say they enjoy my website and understand its value feels good.
By the way, dear reader, I would be glad if you told me that you like this site. If you don't like mine, contact owners of those sites that you like.
When you are publishing your blog posts, there's almost little to no feedback whatsoever: You don't get the engagement from the audience in the comments, or the nice sweet email. Your audience and "fans" are hidden behind analytics numbers. And then, there's you and your Markdown editor.
Yes indeed, next no to no feedback is a norm. Relatable, except for the Markdown editor.
Karl Dahlke
Pleroma creator's blog.