Tag git
15 bookmarks have this tag.
15 bookmarks have this tag.
gwit is a minimalist system for a Web of replicated, host-neutral, lightweight sites backed by Git.
Rewrite Git history with a single drag-and-drop.
Undo anything with ⌘Z. All speed, no bumps.
With our extremely linear history, the first commit in a repo hash a hash that starts with 0000000, the second commit is 0000001, the third is 0000002, and so on!
gwit is a minimalist system for a Web of replicated, host-neutral, lightweight sites backed by Git.
Interesting system. However, this system is designed around the notion of keeping the history by default, which is wrong. History is to be thrown away by default, that's what the modern Web gets right.
The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line
Code discussions contain relevant information. Isn’t it a shame that we
keep these in the centralized GitHub/GitLab servers, far away from our
decentralized Git code? As soon as we move provider, we’ll lose all old
discussions! And how do you ever find the pull requests back from 5
years ago? Symfony has implemented a lightweight solution to this problem
years ago using a less-known feature of Git: Git Notes.
Гайд, как правильно писать сообщения для коммитов. О важности упоминания не просто того, что делает изменение, а зачем оно это делает. Очень мудро.
Git веб сервис
SSG for Git is something new for me.
While not as rigorous as systems like Darcs and Pijul (which are based on a formalized theory of patches
Analyze how a Git repo grows over time
See how I use it:
Emersion is making a cool tool called pyonji for easier git patch sending. Good UX.
Несколько правил, чтобы держать Git приличном виде.
В принципе, норм, кроме:
У каждого PR есть expire. Висит две недели — значит никому не нужен и удаляется автоматом. В следующий раз команда будет расторопней.
Хотя мб это мне тут надо подумать.
using rss to generate permissionless social activity feeds for source code repositories