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9 bookmarks have this tag.
HTMX in PostgREST!
create or replace function api.index() returns "text/html" as $$
select $html$
<!DOCTYPE html>
$$ language sql;
PostgREST is a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API. The structural constraints and permissions in the database determine the API endpoints and operations.
Sounds like a way to write less code. I skimmed through the reference, looks cool. PostgREST is written in Haskell for some reason though.
There's a concept that I've heard called by a lot of different names, but my favorite name for it is …
I am tired of hierarchical FileSystems. They grow into big messes over time (LimitsOfHierarchies). Let's discuss alternatives. Some have suggested using various kinds of databases so that one can query or view based on a wide variety of potentially orthogonal traits.
The C2 Ancients have good ideas.
P. S. Trying to save this page in Betula shows how bad and unfriendly the new “design” of WikiWikiWeb is.
This is about Mycorrhiza, for sure.