Tag ui
18 bookmarks have this tag.
18 bookmarks have this tag.
Multiplayer cursors
I think sound is a dramatically underutilized way to communicate with the user in modern software tools. Using sound for a notification is just annoying, but using other properties (pitch, timbre, length, etc) or producing varying drone sounds across time presents new ways to passively inform users of things. A classic example of this is fan sounds alerting users that their computer is under heavy load, and perhaps something is going wrong. As modern fans get quieter, computer programs should offer similar interfaces to provide all kinds of information.
TLDR: предлагаю рассмотреть хранение исходных кодов программ в некоем бинарном формате вместо голого текста.
In Paradise, you are but a force acting upon places, objects, words — vessels. Paradise is a kind experimental file-system and operating system.
An old and interesting blog.
Search for the best state management solution for Humble UI
How user interface evolved for the past 40 years ✨
Tabs are bad, and we can do without them as long as we have windows.
A collection of notes.
The Screenless Office is a system for working with media and networks without using a pixel-based display. It is an artistic operating system. The office presents a radically alternative form of everyday human interaction with media. It is constructed using free/libre/open hard- and software components, especially for print, databases, web-scraping and tangible interaction. Currently, it exists as a working prototype with software "bureaus" which allow a user to read and navigate news, web sites and social media entirely with the use of various printers for output and a barcode scanner for input. While our existing software allows for interesting new ways of consuming media, we are currently working to expand the system to make it capable of publishing content and thereby, enabling a provocative possibility for active participation in contemporary social life.
They haven't really got anything to show, and the project seems to be abandoned. And using so much paper, I don't know, seems not so good. But cool concept! I want to learn more, but how?
The venerable Dialog utility (based on ncurses, and maintained by the same person for the past couple of decades) is one option: a small program that can handle a variety of common interactions like choosing a file to open, or entering dates, while looking good and being easy enough to use.
The utility is as at https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog.html.
Probably an allusion to Human Interface Guidelines by Apple.
I just rediscovered a question I wrote on Stack Exchange. I can’t remember much about the context, but the idea is to have an ordinary “web server” application accessed through http, but simply sending plain-text backwards and forwards to a command-line based client.
One of my most favorite technical blogs out there. The author has an excellent taste in everything. I've been following him for years.
Ещё по-русски есть: https://antonz.ru