NetHack Philosophy feedback, 2023 of NetHack4 developers playtested several NetHack variants and told their findings and thoughts on balance in great design.
I've never got to Sokoban in NetHack. I basically don't know how to play. Despite that, I enjoyed this ridiculously long article.
Also, it was the first article in 6 years in the blog. Luckily, RSS catches everything.
Killed by Google
killedbygoogle.comKilled by Google is the open source list of dead Google products, services, and devices. It serves as a tribute and memorial of beloved services and products killed by Google.
Game Boy Advance gets a new, free step sequencer, complete with p-locks - CDM Create Digital Music like this make me want to get a GBA SP, but the prices for screenmodded GBA:s make me unwant.
Ian's Shoelace Site – Shoelace Knots – How To Tie Your ShoesКрасиво! Надо себе выбрать завяз нормальный, а то я как-то плохо шнурки завязываю. Меня Б. как-то учил крутому узлу, но я забыл.
Дневник Христофора КолумбаХристофор приплывает на землю счастливых людей и сразу думает о том, как его отнять. Чем всё закончилось, знаем.