Tag craft

2 bookmarks have this tag.



Ian's Shoelace Site – Shoelace Knots – How To Tie Your Shoes


Красиво! Надо себе выбрать завяз нормальный, а то я как-то плохо шнурки завязываю. Меня Б. как-то учил крутому узлу, но я забыл.



Origins — Mythic Computer


A computer manufactured by a craftsman.

Japan operates with an Island metaphysic, where resources are finite in space (Japan is an island nation) but infinite in time (by virtue of natural regeneration). The West operates with a Faustian metaphysic, where resources are infinite in space (by virtue of conquest) and infinite in time. It's interesting to see these metaphysical realities manifest in something as ordinary as tool manufacture.

Our motto, ARMA ACRI FACIENDA VIRO, comes from Book VIII of The Aeneid when Vulcan commands the cyclopes to "Forge arms fit for a hero".