Tag programming
105 bookmarks have this tag.
105 bookmarks have this tag.
A linter for Go that finds nil panics. It found several potential nil panic in Betula and Mycorrhiza codebases that I didn't bother fixing.
Вастрик сравнивает программистов, которым по работе надо постоянно выбрасывать свой код, с фермерами, которые при первой необходимости забивают свой скот. Говорит, что пет-проекты — это уже питомцы, и о них уже можно заботиться.
Ken describes how he injected a virus into a compiler. Not only did his compiler know it was compiling the login function and inject a backdoor, but it also knew when it was compiling itself and injected the backdoor generator into the compiler it was creating. The source code for the compiler thereafter contains no evidence of either virus.
A wiki about concatenative programming languages running a custom (looking good) wiki engine with a custom markup!
# Simple things are simple.
hello-user = Hello, {$userName}!
# Complex things are possible.
shared-photos =
{$userName} {$photoCount ->
[one] added a new photo
*[other] added {$photoCount} new photos
} to {$userGender ->
[male] his stream
[female] her stream
*[other] their stream
< and <= are better than > and >=
Matthew finds deep distaste in his software engineering job but has no idea what to change. We'll all be there.
Some abstractions are wrong. To get rid of them, inline them, rip the unneeded stuff, and forget about the abstraction. I want to rip an abstraction like that!
You can have a very time efficient set implementation with two uninitialized arrays. It's not space efficient though.
Tetralogy. The climate catastrophe is two years away (just by the time I'll finish the bachelor degree).
To save the planet, actions are needed. They are not done.
Also, further parts of the series talk about software.
if we fail to mitigate the climate crisis, we’re headed for a world where it’s expensive or impossible to get new hardware, where electrical power is scarce, internet access is not the norm, and cloud services don’t exist anymore or are largely inaccessible due to lack of internet.
Tobias told us about his past with a very elaborate riced Arch Linux config. Now he's a GNOME developer, who knows that it's better to contribute a better icon to the app than to update an icon theme; to use fish instead of zsh with a big config; etc. In general, invest time into things that scale.
I like his little remark towards the static site. I dislike his little remark towards self-hosting, although I see where he's coming from.
Oh, that's how I should refactor Mycomarkup. Perfect.
Два аёс-разработчика говорят, что если можно сделать продукт, не поднимая сервер, лучше так и сделать, особенно учитывая какие прекрасные возможности для программиста дают современные яблочные устройства. Синхронизация через яклаўд, производительность до дурного высокая и всё такое.
Я, конечно, не аёс-разработчик, но могу обратить внимание на то, что у меня ваще всё с сервером. А ведь Бетулу можно было бы и без него! Но на самом деле получилось бы хуже, ведь мне не один айфон поддерживать, а как минимум андроид и мак, которыми я пользуюсь.
Подкаст можете не слушать, я за вас послушал.
Take the cost of introducing new abstractions to your code in consideration.
Unit tests are not a panacea. End-to-end tests are often much more useful. Some things cannot be tested at all. Think before testing.
A collection of bad practices. Some of them I like!
Кому хочется впихнуть как можно больше, могут взглянуть на "Hello, world" в ELF всего 114 байт (это я знаю достаточно давно). А вот сегодня встретил компиляторы с Forth, Lisp и C всего 512 байт!
Иной айтишник нет-нет да пожалуется на разбиение строк по 80 символов. Считаю нужным прояснить ситуацию.
Гришаев говорит глупости, чтобы оправдать ограничение длины строк. Справедливости ради, он не цепляется именно за 80, но идеи дурные, конечно.
Logging is not panacea.
Kartik rocking.
A static site, that claims to be a wiki. It is old and fun.
We’ve finally got to the point in the software world where no big changes are possible. Every change breaks something, introduces backward incompatibilities and so on. More are more we are going to live in the world where software mutates gradually, advancing is small steps without much plan and intelligent design. Similarly to how organisms are dragged by natural selection, it is going to be propelled in unknown direction without asking us whether we like it or not.
The software industry is reaching the stage where it cannot be revolutionized heavily, it is to evolve like the living ones. It is not necessarily good.
Search for the best state management solution for Humble UI
A classic rant on uxn and programming. Uxn is done for.
Uxn says it's about permacomputing and vintage computing, the author of the article says it's not and proves it.
The author insists on a relation to permacomputing. Their page on permacomputing describes frugal computing and salvage computing as principles of permacomputing, defining them as "utilizing computational resources as finite and precious, to be utilised only when necessary, and as effectively as possible", and "utilizing only already available computational resources, to be limited by that which is already produced." The author is part of a collective that wanted to replace all the "bloated" software they used, due to having little energy storage on their sailboat. Using software design techniques to reduce power usage, and to allow continued use of old computers is a good idea, but the uxn machine has quite the opposite effect, due to inefficient implementations and a poorly designed virtual machine, which does not lend itself to writing an efficient implementation easily.
Devine then mentioned it, and a discussion followed.
There are many alternatives to C strings. Here we explore the design space.
Пока мир сходит с ума по искусственному интеллекту, всплакну о низком уровне разработчиков. Подкатило, нужно выплеснуть.
Иван Гришаев жалуется, что программисты плохо программируют.
Since I'm a deeply demented man with a lot of free time on my hands, I decided to expand a bit on the subject - if only to give myself a chance of brushing up on my own very rudimentary COBOL knowledge.
A good overview of 4 memory management approaches. TL;DR: There is no panacea.
One of my most favorite technical blogs out there. The author has an excellent taste in everything. I've been following him for years.
Ещё по-русски есть: https://antonz.ru
Cool system, though I do not understand it fully. I especially like the Gestku the author posts on the Fediverse.