Все о синквейнах на Cinquain.ru
trepsy.net/sinkveynNilAway: Practical Nil Panic Detection for Go
www.uber.com/blog/nilaway-practical-nil-panic-detection-for-goA linter for Go that finds nil panics. It found several potential nil panic in Betula and Mycorrhiza codebases that I didn't bother fixing.
Status update, November 2023 · emersion
emersion.fr/blog/2023/status-update-58Emersion is making a cool tool called pyonji for easier git patch sending. Good UX.
~torresjrjr/Bezier.py - ➰ Create Bezier curves in Python
git.sr.ht/~torresjrjr/Bezier.pyBezier curve implementation for numpy. Helping me with an assignment! Thank you author.