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Nine observations about what happens when you eat only potatoes
My takeaway from Soylent is this: You can’t simply hack humanity into a more optimized version of itself. Our needs and drives have been shaped by millions of years of co-evolution and won’t be engineered away by a coterie of coders — no matter how much pedigreed venture funding they secure.
Because, in the end, even the most powerful code can’t reprogram the squishy, gloriously inefficient realities of the flesh.
And reader, that’s not at all a bad thing.
Cherry Cola recipe is based on the OpenCola recipe. Original recipe was modified to create 100% natural cola without any artificial ingredient. We removed sugar, caffeine and caramel color from the recipe, replaced phosphoric acid with lemon juice, and used chokeberry juice as a coloring agent and added cherry juice to make cherry cola.
Рецепт нашей вишнёвой колы создан на основе рецепта OpenCola — торговой марки, уникальной тем, что её рецепт приготовления находится в свободном доступе. Любой может приготовить этот напиток самостоятельно, а также изменять и улучшать его рецепт, так как он распространяется под лицензией GNU General Public License.
Мы убрали из рецепта сахар, кофеин и карамельный колер, ортофосфорную кислоту заменили вишнёвым и лимонным соком, а в качестве красителя использовали сок черноплодной рябины. За счёт этого, наша вишневая кола не только вкусная, но и полезная для здоровья!
Красота абсолютная! Я купил и выпил. На вкус так себе. Больше этот конкретный напиток брать не буду. Наверное, я хочу сахар или хотя бы подсластитель.
См. обновление в топ кол.
Alex tells us that, for him, baking and cooking are easier than programming and soldering, because the errors there average out. As for me, this is completely inverse.
In programming, an error never fixes itself. You can observe it and fix it, you can write tests. You can run the program multiple times. It's you who fixes it, and you can understand how it's done. It's measurable!
Meanwhile, cooking is a nightmare. Burning something is routine for me. Is that too much or too little oil? For how long do I fry? What do I do with these spices? Do they really affect the taste? And to observe something, I can't rely on symbolic things like text. No, I have to look (is this color good? No idea!), smell (as if I know the difference) and taste (nothing more inaccurate).
I'm happy when something can be cooked with a timer. 15 min for buckwheat? I'm in. I'm more happy when the time is short. 4 min for this thin kind of spaghetti? Already boiling water!
I mean, even boiling water is not simple. My parents told me to wait until the correct bubbles appear. I'm waiting for the scary ones. Also, salt is supposed to make it boil faster. How much salt do I add?
And I didn't even talk about plants, which Alex also considers easy. They're not 😭
Как пожарить сулугуни. Надо попробовать. Я люблю жареное и сулугуни. Смесь должна тоже понравиться!
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