5 bookmarks for 2023-05-24


Digital encoding. Legacy software. Evolution.


We’ve finally got to the point in the software world where no big changes are possible. Every change breaks something, introduces backward incompatibilities and so on. More are more we are going to live in the world where software mutates gradually, advancing is small steps without much plan and intelligent design. Similarly to how organisms are dragged by natural selection, it is going to be propelled in unknown direction without asking us whether we like it or not.

The software industry is reaching the stage where it cannot be revolutionized heavily, it is to evolve like the living ones. It is not necessarily good.


Sure, we have imperative and functional. But what about cartesian programming?


The Cage of the Language


There are more cool words in English, because there are more people in English and more history in English that come up with cool words. Slovak is less wordy in that sense.


'Skew' in the history of computer systems


Different parts of computers improve over time with different speed. For example, CPU is much faster than RAM, but it wasn't always like that. Because of that, and other cases like that, there are extra abstractions in the computer design.


Цены на продукты питания в Китае


Цены на продукты в России растут и увеличатся ещё более. А как там в Китае? Сегодня предлагаю сходить в китайский продуктовый магазин и посмотреть на уровень цен.