Tag mindset
24 bookmarks have this tag.
24 bookmarks have this tag.
I'm resisting my temptation towards digital hoarding and "save everything", and trying to be more selective about the data I'm keeping.
A difficult part of technology instruction is not that things are unknowable, but that no one is ever starting at the beginning, not in 2024.
Maintained, extensible, comprehensible, popular, efficient, short config. Do not hoard.
The world sees Japan as a paragon of minimalism. But its hidden clutter culture shows that ‘more’ can be as magical as ‘less’
These choices are trade-offs. If you want to write a quiet song, it won't be loud. If you are writing a software tool and you want to prioritize speed over simplicity, then it won't be as simple as if you'd prioritized simplicity over speed.
There are two main signs that you've succeeded at your goals. The first, and more pleasant, is that you get compliments about how your thing is like you wanted it to be. "I love that song, it's so quiet!" "Your tool is so fast!" Why thank you, that's exactly what I was going for.
The second sign, though, is that you will get complaints. Specifically, people will complain that your thing does not achieve the things you didn't set out to achieve. "I wish this song was louder", "this tool is so hard to use". That you are receiving complaints at all means that people are aware of your creation; that they are complaining about what you specifically set out to make a non-goal is a side-effect of the fact that you made that trade-off.
A story of a Julius who lacks knowledge but has good charisma. There's a lot to learn from such Julii.
Когда я работал в Совкомбанке, пришлось чуток поработать с аналитиком Э. Он мне сразу не понравился. Потом он ушёл, раньше меня. Статья помогла понять, что с ним было не так. Наверное он был таким Юлием.
Но очень может быть, что я неправ, и у меня просто не было возможности увидеть хард скиллы этого аналитика. В конце концов, мы пересеклись только на одном низкоприоритетном проекте.
Knowing the consequences I want, what choice would create them? What big choice would nudge a hundred others that way?
Recently, I went on a week-long vacation to Japan. Besides being a ton of fun, something that stood out was how long the trip felt. One week in Japan felt like three weeks of my regular life. I've thought about why this is and found that the amount of time felt is greatly related to the number of memories created.
Use as few tags as possible.
Limit yourself to a self-defined set of tags.
Tags within your set must not overlap.
By convention, tags are in plural.
Tags are lower-case.
Tags are single words.
Keep tags on a general level.
Omit tags that are obvious.
Use one tag language.
Explain your tags.
So true
Spend time on things that are enjoyable or important, ideally both
An analogy between coat racks, desire paths, arguing, vacuuming, reading, social media, drinking, vacations, and colonoscopies.
Medical research is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry, papers ghostwritten by the pharmaceutical industry and influencers paid by the pharmaceutical industry. Regulators are not independent either and so it is that most doctors have become pawns in a system, used to deliver the drugs which provide the fundholders with the maximum profit. So far, the system has failed to eliminate corruption and bias, for one reason only, that is there is no such thing as a free lunch.
Приложения для сбора хайлайтов из статей и книг не помогают запоминать прочитанное
Для того, чтобы запоминать прочитанное не нужна хорошая память
Лучший способ запомнить прочитанное — понять то, что ты прочитал
Чтобы на самом деле понять прочитанное, нужно приложить усилия
Объясняй другим идеи, чтобы лучше понимать и запоминать их
Заведи блог
Участвуй в сетевых дискуссиях
Откажись от автоматизации
Similarly, one might begin to talk instead of watching talk-shows and to play instead of watching game shows — To value the entire spectrum of sensations as necessary members of the whole that is the deliberate existence, with its potential for failure, awkwardness, loneliness, harm and death included.
Нужно воспитывать людей вокруг себя. Нельзя прощать пиццериям холодной пиццы. Нужно звать менеджера, шеф-повара, кого угодно — и требовать горячей. Нельзя выходить из супермаркета через неудобный вход, когда удобный закрыли за пять минут до конца рабочего дня. Нужно звать начальника службы безопасности, управляющего, кого угодно — и заставлять его открыть тебе тот выход, через который тебе удобнее всего выйти. Не всегда будет получаться — иногда и менеджеры тоже бывают буфетчицами.
Это сначала на тебя будут смотреть, как на сволочь последнюю. Но зато лет через 50 мы будем жить в другой стране. Если не ты, то кто это сделает?
Плохой работе не может быть оправдания.