Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Bookmarks and whatnot. Закладки и всякое.
Как в России летают на воздушных шарах. Фестиваль в Переславле-Залесском
Joey lives in an off-grid house.
building worthwhile things that might last
Author proposes to replace modern browsers with the following architecture. You make HTTP requests, server return you WASM blobs, they get executed. No built-in DOM.
DOM and its three languages are among the best technologies ever made, despite being so misused. It not being the default way will probably be disastrous. Think about accessibility!
But the idea is cool 🤔
Why and how to preserve digital content in plaintext format for long-term accessibility and reuse
The author actually doesn't think Markdown is the only correct storage format. All lightweight markup languages will do. They just use Markdown themselves. It's good they allow Mycomarkup, I'd've written a remarque here otherwise.
I myself am not sure if it's the right way. Maybe the websites should be preserved closer to the way they were made? I'll now archive this page, in HTML.
Давайте посмотрим на историю и устройство Palm OS, а также поговорим о философии дизайна ПО Palm и его наследии
A RTS game where you program your units with UXN. Reminds of that one spacefaring game, where you also do UXN. Super cool!
There's a devlog linked on the page, I liked reading it.
Actually, complete history of innovation in pencils in Japan. For some years I wanted to get my hands on one of these, but it was hard to justify it. I have so many pencils left over from school days, my pencil consumption rate, which is probably higher than yours, is low, and I'll probably never finish them all. But maybe there's truly some magic in those Mitsu-Bishis?
without JavaScript in a weird browser
Marginalia got a new design and a new domain.
The new official hand-drawn font powering Excalidraw. Download Excalifont under MIT license and learn more about its specifics.
Sophisticated Linux key remapper. Supports per-device and per-application settings. Wayland and X. I should look into this.
The logotype has different colors every time you load the page.
I used it to create the Betula logo.
CW: Body horror
When Brent Chapman’s doctor first pitched him on the idea of having one of his own teeth surgically embedded in his eye to restore his sight, he says he felt “a little apprehensive.”
Я вам сейчас скажу мысль, которая возможно взорвет вам мозг. Если разработчику дать денег, то он их просто спустит в унитаз. Деньги не просто не помогут, они вредны для людей, у которых нет сформированного понимания функционирования бизнеса, которое можно получить либо через свой опыт, либо находясь внутри какой-то компании, на позициях близких к коммерческой части. Да бывают исключения, но глобально оно вот так.
И история про Хекслет.
Как же это круто, как же мне туда надо!
Меня опять очаровал го. Может, вступить? Первого марта Кубок мэра Казани, но судя по рейтингу участников, мне там делать нечего. Надо разузнать про сообщество, короче.
On how Jag Talon set up Mycorrhiza and Betula
The simplest syntax highlighter. I might copy it for Mycomarkup implementations. The script is in ed(1) of all languages, but it really takes next to no effort to copy it. Aartaka is truly the pioneer of technology choices.
At long last! I haven't bought it and going to atm, but I'm already sure it's the best dithering software. It's powered by the library makew0rld had made before. Nice.
Browser extended with Common Lisp
От 19 века до начала 80-х. Как человечество придумывало сенсорные экраны и рукописный ввод
Неудачи, торжество дизайна, борьба с бумагой и Microsoft. Давайте проследим историю зарождения Palm и её мировой известности
Very long article about Palm. I shall read it now.
UPD. Images are broken. Well then, I'll resort to Limows' Russian translation.
Do not provide too many choices in your interface. The author talks about user interface, but I think it also applies to programming interfaces. I try to follow this principle.
HTMX in PostgREST!
create or replace function api.index() returns "text/html" as $$
select $html$
<!DOCTYPE html>
$$ language sql;
PostgREST is a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API. The structural constraints and permissions in the database determine the API endpoints and operations.
Sounds like a way to write less code. I skimmed through the reference, looks cool. PostgREST is written in Haskell for some reason though.
Exploring unseen concepts of design and opportunities of design-driven transformation and change
ntfy is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, and/or using a REST API.
curl \
-d "Backup successful 😀" \
Free notifications!
UPD. Used it in my SystemD service files to notify me of service restarts. It was extremely easy to do so. Will use it for now, until I migrate to a proper monitoring system.
A collection of web pages from across the Internet that have a curated collection of bookmarks and/or links.
I'll apply.
A programming language that is compiled for NES. Has a built-in map editor and a bank switching. Sometimes I think how it would've been cool to make a game for NES. Maybe this could be a good tool for that.
This wiki is dedicated to cataloging games from Japanese Feature Phones (pre-Android/iPhone mobile devices). (e.g. i-Mode game, i-Appli game, EZweb game, S!Appli game)
Don't waste your time checking if some software is updated. Get Email, Webhook or notifications on Slack and other instant messengers.
Fighting the undefined behaviors.
Write it. Show it. Rock it. A fresh, fast and fun way to create and hold presentations.
Ansible looks cool. We also use it at work. Should I learn it?
embeddable ffmpeg,ffprobe WASM binaries with a small Go library wrapper
/.well-known/avatar resolving to an image. Edge cases not considered at all. Might implement
Not really a wiki engine though... I'm categorizing it as such due to its history.
Runs on Cardigan Bay. Has a long history
У автора умер сайт на Нотионе, и он сделал вот эту прекрасную вещь.
A dictionary with keys "wiki" → "bencode" and "meaning" → 42 is encoded as d4:wiki7:bencode7:meaningi42ee.
This article made me very angry. It's written very misleadingly, it's full of lies. The proposed language offers too much decisions to the config designer (all of the decisions that matter, actually). Nevertheless, there are some ideas I want to mention here:
Not having primitive types beside strings is good. I'd also keep lists and dictionaries (not the way they made it, but the way it should be). Numbers, dates, booleans, all of this is a mess.
So, empty config or no config file at all must be a valid configuration.
And it's kinda neat how they find connections between category theory and configuration languages.
nice config
Of course they use Org mode.
Эффект «нога-во-рту» (англ.foot-in-the-mouth) — психологический феномен, который показывает, что человек, ответивший на «ритуальный» вопрос («Как ваши дела? Как вы себя чувствуете?») «ритуальным» ответом («Хорошо», «Все в порядке»), в дальнейшем даст принудительно положительный ответ на просьбу о помощи.
Алекс Хитеч подкидывает документы компании, которая забыла, как устроен её завод.
P.S. oh how poorly raindrop behaves! Titles, links, descriptions — all trimmed, for reader's inconvenience. They should've used Betula.