www.smallweb.runA self-hostable personal cloud inspired by serverless platforms and cgi-bin.
A bare-minimum ActivityPub server from scratch is a translation of the article I originally wrote in Russian a year ago.
Lately, after Elon Musk bought Twitter, people have started looking for its alternatives – and many found one in Mastodon.
Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform that works on the federation model, like email. The federation protocol is called ActivityPub and is a W3C standard, and Mastodon is far from being its only implementation, albeit it is the most popular one.
Nutshell: make expandable, embeddable explanations tool to let your readers dive into details
Block Protocol
blockprotocol.orgAn open standard for data-driven blocks
weird.oneA way to be on the web!
Профсоюз работников ИТ
ruitunion.orgНовости о важных событиях для работников ИТ индустрии
Free Online Graph Paper / Asymmetric and Specialty Grid Paper PDFsРабота в IT-компаниях СербииСравнение трудового законодательства в России и Сербии