Susam Pal
susam.netHi! I am Susam Pal. Welcome to my website. This page provides a brief introduction about me and this website.
I am a software engineer by profession. I have a keen interest in free and open source software. My first non-trivial contribution to open source was NUTCH-559 in 2007. That contribution added support for various authentication schemes to Apache Nutch, an open source web crawler. I have remained active in the open source communities since then. I also develop and maintain a few open source projects of my own at For a list of my projects, see my open source work details.
File Browser I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites this post, I talk about pleasant but seemingly minor features in personal sites
Picotron by LexaloffleКак правильно работать с убеждениямиВывели с клиентом универсальную «инструкцию к терапии». На случай, если кому-то это нужно. Как часто и бывает, у него была популярная мечта сначала что-то поменять в голове, а потом зажить по-новому.
A Writer's Word Processor WordStar