Про воздушные шары
tn-hdz.mckx.ru/v/4jYZAAAA_DoAgM92/UNcqTho556DBvFRGКак в России летают на воздушных шарах. Фестиваль в Переславле-Залесском
joeyh.name/offgridJoey lives in an off-grid house.
Joey Hess
joeyh.namebuilding worthwhile things that might last
WASM Wayland Web (WWW)
joeyh.name/blog/entry/WASM_Wayland_Web_WWWAuthor proposes to replace modern browsers with the following architecture. You make HTTP requests, server return you WASM blobs, they get executed. No built-in DOM.
DOM and its three languages are among the best technologies ever made, despite being so misused. It not being the default way will probably be disastrous. Think about accessibility!
But the idea is cool 🤔
If it is worth keeping, save it in Markdown - Piotr Migdał
p.migdal.pl/blog/2025/02/markdown-saves#user-content-fnref-pinboardWhy and how to preserve digital content in plaintext format for long-term accessibility and reuse
The author actually doesn't think Markdown is the only correct storage format. All lightweight markup languages will do. They just use Markdown themselves. It's good they allow Mycomarkup, I'd've written a remarque here otherwise.
I myself am not sure if it's the right way. Maybe the websites should be preserved closer to the way they were made? I'll now archive this page, in HTML.