Console Spreadsheets. of several terminal spreadsheets.
Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages - (or IPFS or any static file hoster) - phiresky's blog is possible to host read-only SQLite databases on static file hosters. Might be useful in some cases.
dither in the browser with the power of CSS | to fake dithering in CSS. This is kinda wrong, because the images themselves are left intact. Also, RSS doesn't know if this dithering.
Alpine Linux does not make the news;DR: Alpine is boring, this is good.
Recently I've had an issue with Alpine, which I had to resolve with some workaround from GitHub issues. But otherwise it's boring yeah. Cool. One day I'll use it on all of my servers! For now, I only use it on CI.
humungus - miniwebproxy HTML responses and rewrites a simplified light weight version.
Rewrite rules are written in lua using standard CSS selectors.
humungus - humungus Mercurial forge. Has a powerful vibe. Supports fo get.
humungus.tedunangst.comTedu's Mercurial repœ. I would've linked the root website instead, but there is no such thing. Collecting all of theirs' websites is a challenge which I will succeed in!