Как мы перенесли игру «Герои меча и магии III» на 1С
infostart.ru/1c/articles/2208631Я Федор, ведущий разработчик 1С. На хакатоне компании команда под моим руководством перенесла игру «Герои меча и магии III» на платформу 1С. Расскажу, как устроена конфигурация «1С: Герои меча и магии» с технической точки зрения.
codeberg.org/streams/streamsConsent based public domain federated communications server. Provides a feature rich ActivityPub and Nomad communication node.
diaspora* federation protocol
diaspora.github.io/diaspora_federationActivityPub - Final thoughts, one year later. - Dennis Schubert
overengineer.dev/blog/2019/01/13/activitypub-final-thoughts-one-year-laterA more social look on the spec by diaspora*'s developer. Just as profound.
ActivityPub - one protocol to rule them all? - Dennis Schubert
overengineer.dev/blog/2018/02/01/activitypub-one-protocol-to-rule-them-allDiaspora*'s developer's thoughts on ActivityPub soon after it was released. It's like he foresaw ever issue there is, without ever implementing it. Such insight. He foresaw that C2S won't get much use, he foresaw reply forwarding problems, he foresaw everything!