11 bookmarks for 2024-02-06


Дамстер дайвинг, или Как я отправилась за едой на мусорку - LookBio Organic & Beauty Weekly


Дамстер дайвинг, или Как я отправилась за едой на мусорку Достоверно о натуральной косметике, органических продуктах и экостиле жизни. Главное органик-издание страны.


Trashwiki: the world-wide guide to dumpster diving


Wiki on trash. Dumpster divers go here.




Stract is an open source search engine where the user has the ability to see exactly what is going on and customize almost everything about their search results. It's a search engine made for hackers and tinkerers just like ourselves. No more searches where some of the terms in the query arent used, and the engine tries to guess what you really meant. You get what you search for.

AGPLv3! Doesn't work in my outdated Safari though...

Via Nix of Merveilles.


Sage advice for a calmer, more fulfilling digital life | datagubbe.se


Datagubbe giving good advice in a bullet list. My favorite items are:

  • Disable notfications. I'd recommend to at least turn their sound off.

  • Use smaller software, use less applications.

  • Avoid social media. I'm building one haha.

  • Delete unused accounts.

  • Thank FOSS maintainers. That includes me.

  • Disable blinking cursor.

My least favorite is his recommendation to use laptops less. I myself should use it more, so I don't use the phone. And I don't have a desktop or a place for it.


11 Abandoned Tube Stations And The Fascinating Stories Behind Them


Статья про заброшенные станции
Я очень рад, что моя гипотеза про их существование подтвердилась.

Лондонское метро насчитывает 270 станций. Ну и жесть. В Казани десяток.


GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery


A collection of GUI screenshots.


Graphical User Interface Gallery


On these pages you will find many screen shots of various desktop computer Graphical User Interfaces and operating systems. Many different people have had different ideas of how a GUI should work and these screen shots show many of the more popular ones.

Still maintained. A sweet collection. It's older than me.


What might degrowth computing look like?


About · Minimal Computing


We use “minimal computing” to refer to computing done under some set of significant constraints of hardware, software, education, network capacity, power, or other factors. Minimal computing includes both the maintenance, refurbishing, and use of machines to do DH work out of necessity along with the use of new streamlined computing hardware like the Raspberry Pi or the Arduino micro controller to do DH work by choice. This dichotomy of choice vs. necessity focuses attention on computing that is decidedly not high-performance. By operating at this intersection between choice and necessity minimal computing forces important concepts and practices within the DH community to the fore. In this way minimal computing is also an critical movement, akin to environmentalism, asking for balance between gains and costs in related areas that include social justice issues and de-manufacturing and reuse, not to mention re-thinking high-income assumptions about “e-waste” and what people do with it. Minimal computing thus relates to issues of aesthetics, culture, environment, global relationships of power and knowledge production, and other economic, infrastructural and material conditions.

They are not active anymore. They have a cute abacus as a logo.


Frugal computing


On the need for low-carbon and sustainable computing and the path towards zero-carbon computing.


iScape: A Collaborative Memory Palace for Digital Library Search Results


iScape, short for information landscape, was something interesting, lost in time because it was commerical. It offers users to manage their information in a 3D space, creating a digital palace.

The iScape world is a multi-modal, multi-user, collaborative 3-D virtual environment that is interconnected with standard web pages.

This paper presents iScape, a shared virtual desktop world dedicated to the collaborative exploration and management of information. Data mining and information visualization techniques are applied to extract and visualize semantic relationships in search results. A three-dimensional (3-D) online browser system is exploited to facilitate complex and sophisticated human-computer and human-human interaction.

I had similar ideas, twenty years later, but never actually started implementing them because it's damn hard.