On Generative Algorithms: Hyphae · inconvergent
inconvergent.net/generative/hyphaeHyphae is a generative algorithm that grows root-like networks.
Experiments with Fractal Streets
pagefind.appPagefind is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure.
Hare aims to become a 100-year programming language
harelang.org/blog/2023-11-08-100-year-language#fnref:1Hare will stay around for a century by rejecting innovation and being soundly designed. Sounds good! I low-key want to write something in it.
Let's Make Sure Github Doesn't Become the only Option
blog.edwardloveall.com/lets-make-sure-github-doesnt-become-the-only-optionYeah, sure.