Tag palm
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6 bookmarks have this tag.
От 19 века до начала 80-х. Как человечество придумывало сенсорные экраны и рукописный ввод
Неудачи, торжество дизайна, борьба с бумагой и Microsoft. Давайте проследим историю зарождения Palm и её мировой известности
Very long article about Palm. I shall read it now.
UPD. Images are broken. Well then, I'll resort to Limows' Russian translation.
A PalmOS emulator for the web
In the early days of Android, a friend of mine got an Android phone & was showing it off to me. He showed me Google Calendar, very proud.
"Oh. Huh. Does it support screening?"
"Screening? Probably – what is that?"
So I showed him what my Palm Pilot's calendar can do: with a single click, all of my calendar entries are converted to textless color-coded blocks, so I can literally hand my device to someone else so they can look at my calendar and see my schedule, but not be privy to any of the confidential information specific to events on it.