2 bookmarks for 2024-03-15


Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative


A federated wiki the focus on fighting Wikipedia from a developer of Lemmy. I don't like their cause, but I'm interested in the technical aspect (I myself had been trying to come up with an excuse for using ActivityPub for wikis for two years). They seem to use WebFinger usernames like that: article@server! Wild! Their treatment of media is unclear to me right now, also they seem to federate Markdown, which is just ridiculous for a Wikipedia killer. Wikipedia uses infoboxes a lot, how are you gonna replace that?

Reposted 1198.

Notes Against Note-Taking Systems


Kind of controversial take on note taking systems. I can relate though, because i was lost in a burden of creating perfect knowledge management system for a long time without creating any knowledge. Simplest approach with commonplace notebook is what working for me now.
Comments are also useful.

Getting lost in your knowledge management system is a fantastic way to avoid creating things.
Most heart-stopping writing comes from synthesizing the previously unarticulated in the moment. Rather than reaching for your database, try channeling what’s in the air at this very second. These read/write errors are what we call originality.
Leonardo da Vinci kept all of his notes in one big book. If he liked something he put it down. This is known as a commonplace book, and it is about how detailed your note-taking system should be unless you plan on thinking more elaborately than Leonardo da Vinci.
Shun the useless adoption of the aesthetic of the useful. When something can be like work or like play, never make it work.