
Disdain for Profanity is a Luxury Belief


Matthew comments on an article that profanity is to be avoided. He thinks that it's not up to the article author to decide and that he will swear as before. I'll continue this thread and reply here.

I don't swear in Russian, like, at all. People usually don't notice this, but when they do, they are so surprised. Swearing is a norm with Russian youth, and I don't accept that. The only problem with not swearing is the discomfort when I want to quote somebody who said something I wouldn't say; I haven't found a solution yet. Some people find joy in trying to persuade me to say something “bad”.

I'm more tolerant in that regard in English, though. Perhaps it's because it's not my native language. I don't swear much though. You'd have to invest a lot of time to find an English text of mine where I said something profane. I myself wouldn't even bother.

P. S. Definitions of “profanity” vary. I have my own.

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