2 bookmarks for 2024-12-27




FixBrowser is a truly lightweight web browser created from scratch. It intentionally doesn't support JavaScript to make things faster and much less resource intensive. Instead it contains an updated set of scripts that fix and improve various websites.

It is designed from ground up with privacy as the major goal, using a whitelist approach for loading resources to avoid any unwanted tracking.

The browser is currently in Alpha stage, all the foundation blocks are there but needs more work. There is also FixProxy which is using the "backend" part of the browser (everything except the actual rendering) to be used with a regular web browser. It provides a safe way to browse the web and is more mature, I've been using it for multiple years as my primary means of browsing with good results.


Первый тестовый выпуск web-браузера FixBrowser


Вот это браузеры пошли! Без яваскриптов, но с регексами и фикс-прокси. И стек смешной: свой язык какой-то. Внимательно буду смотреть.