XXIIVV — solresol
wiki.xxiivv.com/site/solresol.htmlA good overview of Solresol.
The format=flowed FAQ (Joe Clark)
joeclark.org/ffaq.htmlOvercoming limitations of text email.
Is HTML-formatted e-mail still bad netiquette?
ask.metafilter.com/159162/Is-HTMLformatted-email-still-bad-netiquette2010-era discussion. They generally agree it's a bad netiquette. Here in 2020-era I agree.
Inbox Zero - Björn Wärmedal
warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2022-02-19-inbox-zero.htmlNow I use my inbox as a to do list of sorts. Emails are only there as long as they're relevant. Confirmation of a table reservation at a restaurant? It's at most relevant until the date of the booking has past. Archive it.
Reconsidering My Response to the Corporate Capture of Our Email System
cheapskatesguide.org/articles/email-corporate-capture.htmlA recent article has prompted me to rethink my position on self-hosted email as being a lost cause. I may be coming to a different conclusion than its author.
A response to 738.
After self-hosting my email for twenty-three years I have thrown in the towel. The oligopoly has won.
cfenollosa.com/blog/after-self-hosting-my-email-for-twenty-three-years-i-have-thrown-in-the-towel-the-oligopoly-has-won.htmlYou cannot set up a home email server.
You cannot set it up on a VPS.
You cannot set it up on your own datacenter.
forlater.email — email-based bookmarking
forlater.emailan email-based bookmarking service
Text editor design for e-ink displays
canonical.org/~kragen/eink-designGood considerations. Did I tell you I want to have a eink cyberdeck?
Propositions as Filenames, Builds as Proofs: The Essence of Make - Bob Atkey
bentnib.org/posts/2015-04-17-propositions-as-filenames-essence-of-make.htmlMake is logic.
Pushing it back - Charlie's Diary
www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2023/09/pushing-it-back.htmlCivilization leaves very few traces detectable centuries later. What if there were advanced civilizations that we didn't know of? Whale civilizations?