Low-tech Magazine: The Comic
solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2023/06/low-tech-magazine-the-comicGuillaume Lion visited Low-tech Magazine in Barcelona and turned his experience into a comic for the Belgian magazine Médor.
That's what they call BD?
Про Игру престолов — Кьеркегорка
alphyna.org/archives/2881Альфина ругается на Игру престолов, описывает самую главную разницу в сеттинге с Песней льда и пламени.
My instance of Upptime
bouncepaw.github.io/the-monitorHere I monitor if my websites are online with https://upptime.js.org.
wiki.xxiivv.com/docsDevine Lu Linvega's collection of various documents they collected. A personal archive.